About Us

I am going to be honest. I don't know where to begin! 

We are just a weird little family trying to spread as much beauty, sarcasm, and smiles as we can! We love creating new things in new ways. Sublimation is by far our favorite! We currently only provide tumblers and earrings, but we are not stopping there! We can't wait for more experiments. 

Alex is a fiery red head who would live outside if she could disinfect it!

Tara is a quirky woodland fairy who can't keep track of time to save her life!

Together we are dynamic and hilarious if you can hear our banter. 

Alex loves branding and bulk orders. Tara loves the custom orders. Between the two of us we can make your vision come to life! Whether it is a case of tumblers with your company's new logo on it for all your valued employees or a special pair of earrings for your daughter's first dance, we want to help with it!